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Why does Energy Hub estimate my readings?

If we are missing some of your smart meter readings, we’ll estimate your readings whenever we can to give you the fullest possible view of your energy use. This is just for illustrative purposes and will not affect your bill. 

Missing meter readings are quite common, as smart meters can’t send readings when they lose connection with the network. Just like a mobile phone, a meter can lose connection from time to time – maybe a wall or metal object is interfering with the signal or a software upgrade is taking place.

How does Energy Hub estimate my readings?

Your Energy Trends – Estimating on hourly graphs

These graphs show you the hourly breakdown of your energy use each day; you can see these graphs if your smart meter sends half-hourly readings  (you can check what you’ve chosen here).

Where we have at least 80% of your half-hourly readings for the day we will estimate based upon your known usage to provide as good an indication of your total daily consumption as possible.

Your Energy Trends – Estimating on daily graphs

These graphs show you the daily breakdown of your energy use each month; you can see these graphs if your smart meter sends half-hourly or daily readings  (you can check what you’ve chosen here).

Estimates for the daily graphs require 2 reads, A and B. In the event of a missing read/s we wait until the meter returns an up to date read and then divide the usage between read A (the last read before the meter stopped communicating) and read B (the new up to date read) by the number of missing days. This provides the daily average consumption for the missing days and is why you might see several days with exactly the same energy use.

My data looks different between my daily and hourly graphs – why is this?

Your daily graphs use the daily readings we get from your meter – these are separate to half-hourly readings. In the event we receive half-hourly readings but not daily readings, your hourly graphs and daily graphs might not match exactly if we have estimated some of your data.