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Get extra or specialised support from EDF to help you manage your bills (Priority Services Register)

Need extra support?
Please join our Priorty Services Register so we can get you the help you need.

Join the register

Do you need extra support or help to manage your energy bill? Or maybe you need someone to help you work out what benefits you can get?

Please join our Priority Services Register (PSR). Once you've joined the register, we can get you the help you need.

What is the PSR?

The Priority Services Register is a free service offered throughout the energy industry. As an EDF customer, you can join our register if you need extra or specialised support.

Why join?

Here are some of the reasons you might want to join the register:

  • You need large-font, Braille or audio bills
  • You need another person to manage your energy account for you
  • You need help with your meter readings
  • You have an illness, disability, or mental health problem
  • You have young or elderly people living with you
  • Someone at home is recovering after a stay in hospital; or they're using electrical medical equipment

How do I join the register?

Just give us a few details about you and your circumstances by filling out an online form. The form will ask you what type of extra support you need, and how we can help you manage your energy account.

Join the register


Do I have to join the register again when I change supplier?

Yes, you should get in touch with your new supplier to let them know about your additional needs.

Can I join the register for a short time?

Yes, you can join the PSR for a short time. Maybe you just need extra support for a particular reason, like recovering from an injury.

Join the register

Can I come off the register?

Yes, just get in touch and ask us to take you off the register.


What do you do with my PSR data?

We'll keep your data secure. When you register, we'll ask you to allow us to share your data with the:

  • Network operators who deliver electricity and gas to your home
  • Meter operators who connect you to the networks

We would also share your PSR data with a trusted partner, if they need to help you during a power cut or gas outage, or severe weather conditions.

Any sharing of data will be done so in accordance to UK privacy laws and the Data Protection Act.

We'll never use the details you give us when you join the PSR for marketing.