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Debt on your electricity prepayment meter (not smart)

Here's a quick guide to why you might have debt on your electricity prepayment meter – and how to find out how much you owe.

1. You've used some of your emergency credit

Your meter will tell you how much you owe us for emergency credit, and any missed standing charge or instalment plan payments.

Your screen will either keep switching from Display A to Display B automatically (Display B tells you how much you owe). Or it will be flashing, which means you'll need to press the blue button to see how much you owe.

Find out more about emergency credit

2. You've used all your emergency credit

If you've used up all your emergency credit, you'll see the word 'DEBT' on your meter. The number below the word 'DEBT' tells you how much you owe for:

  • The emergency credit you've used
  • Any standing charges you've missed while using your emergency credit
  • Any debt repayments you missed while using your emergency credit
  • Any energy you used as part of our friendly non-disconnect service

Find out more about emergency credit

3. You've missed paying a daily standing charge or debt repayment

You'll see the word 'DEBT' on your meter if you've missed any daily standing charges and/or debt repayments.

This can happen if you didn't have enough credit on your meter to pay these. The number below the word 'DEBT' will show you how much you owe.

4. You've set up a repayment plan

Keep pressing the blue button until you get to a screen that says 'S'. This screen tells you how much is left to pay on your instalment plan.

Find out more about debt on a repayment plan

5. You've just moved in

Pease get in touch if you see there's debt on your meter when you first move into you new home. It's a good idea to be near your meter, as we might have to ask you a few questions.