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Topped up but still no electricity – how to get you prepayment meter (not smart) back on

Did you add enough credit?

Remember you need to top up by enough to pay back any debt you have on your meter before your electricity comes back on. So you have to add enough credit to cover any emergency credit used and any missed standing charges and/or debt repayments.

How do I know if there's debt on my meter?
How does emergency credit work?

Did your payment work?

Check the receipt from your last top-up. If it says 'Cancelled' or 'Failed', your payment didn't didn't go through. So please try again.

If the machine at your usual top-up outlet isn't working, you can find another Payzone, PayPoint or Post Office outlet.

Is your key dirty or damaged?

Give the contacts on your electricity key a clean with a dry toothbrush or cloth to see if that helps. If not, you might need to get a replacement key – fill out this form.

We can usually get a replacement to you within five working days. Your first replacement is free; we might charge you for further replacements.

Need a new key in a hurry? Get in touch, as we might be able to arrange for you to pick up a key at your local top-up outlet.