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Meters and meter readings

My meter is running as an Economy 7 meter (I pay two electricity rates)...

How to read an Economy 7 electricity smart meter with a green 'A' and grey 'B' button

About your smart meter reading

Normally, a smart meter sends us your readings automatically. So please only give us a reading if we've asked you to do this.

If we've asked you for a reading, please take it from the meter itself – not your in-home display. Your meter is usually on a wall or board; your in-home display either plugs into a socket or runs on batteries.

It looks like you have a Landis and Gyr (L&G) smart meter. Follow these steps to read the two rates on your electricity meter:

Rate 1

Your Rate 1 meter reading is on the front screen, so there's no need to press any buttons. This screen will say 'R1' or '01 Act Imp'.

Just write down the numbers you see in front of the ‘KWh’ – this is your rate 1 reading.

Rate 2

  • Press and hold the grey 'B' button
  • Keep holding the grey button, while you press the green button too
  • You will now see a screen that says 'R2' or '02 Act Imp'
  • Write down the numbers you see in front of the ‘KWh’ – this is your Rate 2 reading.
Tips to read your meter

Read the numbers from left to right; ignore any zeroes at the beginning and any numbers after the decimal point.

Need to read your smart gas meter too? Find out how to read your gas smart meter