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What are the friendly non-disconnection times for smart PAYG?

We don't want you to worry about running out of credit in the middle of the night – or at any time on weekends or a bank holiday.

That's why your smart PAYG meter will never get cut off your balance drops to £0 during 'non-disconnection' hours.

The non-disconnection times are:

  • Monday-Saturday 6pm-11am
  • Anytime on weekends and Bank Holidays, until 11am the next working day

But make sure you top up as soon as you can. You will get disconnected if you still have no credit at 11am the next day. And please make sure your top-up is big enough to cover:

  • Any energy you use during non-disconnection hours
  • Any missed standing charges
  • Any missed instalment plan payments

This all goes onto your meter as 'debt'. You automatically pay debt back as soon as you top up.