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TalkPower Energy Academy


TalkPower Energy Academy Glossary

Can't find what you're looking for? Use our glossary to understand the technical jargon and head to the lessons that will delve deeper into these topics.

Assistance for Areas with High Electricity Distribution (AAHEDC)
Assistance for Areas with High Electricity Distribution, or AAHEDC, covers the cost of distributing power to remote areas. Find out more in Module 1: Plan, Lesson 2: Non-energy costs explained.

Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS)
Balancing Services Use of System, or BSUoS, covers the cost of balancing supply with demand, which keeps the whole UK electricity network stable and reliable. Find out more in Module 1: Plan, Lesson 2: Non-energy costs explained.

Biomass energy
Biomass energy is the conversion of solid fuel made from plant materials into electricity. Find out more in Module 2: Buy, Lesson 2: What energy source is right for you?

We’ll let you know what you can do to get your best electricity price. Find out more in Module 2: Buy, Lesson 3: When to buy, how long for, and setting your electricity budget.

Buying options
There are a range of buying options available to businesses when buying energy. Find out more in Module 2: Buy, Lesson 1: What are the different buying options? If you want to know more about your options in terms of length of contract, take a look at Module 2: Buy, Lesson 3: When to buy, how long for, and setting your electricity budget.

Capacity Market Supplier Charge 
The Capacity Market Supplier Charge covers your business’ contribution to the Capacity Market scheme. This is a scheme that ensures there are enough generators to cover the amount of energy the UK needs. Find out more in Module 1: Plan, Lesson 2: Non-energy costs explained.

Contracts for Difference
Contracts for Difference is a scheme set up to support large generators investing in low carbon technology, giving them a guaranteed price for the energy they produce. Find out more in Module 1: Plan, Lesson 2: Non-energy costs explained.