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Smart meter data and your business

Here's a handy guide to your smart meter business energy data.

What's different about smart meters for your business?

Smart meters for your business, as well as for your home, can record more information than standard electricity meters. In fact, they can capture and store data about your energy use as frequently as every half hour.

Smart meters also allow us, as your energy supplier, to collect this information directly via a remote connection. This means that where we receive meter readings from your smart meter, we’ll no longer need to ask you for regular meter readings.

Smart meter data 

It's worth bearing in mind a few points:

  • The more reads you share with us, the better we can help you understand your usage. We can also recommend tariffs and services that could help you use less energy and save you money
  • We’ll collect your data from your smart meter on a half hourly basis. 

Interested in having a smart meter installed?

If you’d like to register your interest in having a smart meter, please let us know by emailing our team at and we'll get in touch as soon as we start installing in your area and meter type.

Now you've got your data, it's time to use it!

Knowing the amount of energy you’re using, when, how, or even why, opens the doors for you to understand how to budget for it, how to control it, and how to reduce it.

  • Planning ahead your budget based on cyclical patterns of usage and expected events
  • Backing up increases in spend by referencing anomalies in consumption against busy periods or extreme weather conditions
  • Justifying spend on energy efficiency initiatives by proving what they’ve saved
  • And then using this data to support future investment cases.

When it comes to your energy or carbon emission reduction objectives

Whether that’s to insulate a site, install EV charging points, or upgrade heating and lighting, having your smart data will help you to baseline consumption from the start. This will support you in building the investment case as well as help target investments towards the areas with the biggest bang. 

Ongoing monitoring will show if you’re achieving return on investment and allow you to calculate the energy and carbon you're saving - helping you prove you're reaching your Net Zero targets.

In MyBusiness, you can view and download your smart meter consumption data from as recently as 3 days ago. This is different to your energy bills, which have a cut off date and so are a view of a point in time.

In the “Data Analysis” section in the sidebar, you can view and download the data of up to 4 MPANS at once.
Here you can choose to:

  • graphically view consumption as a line chart of a bar chart,
  • modify the granularity,
  • set the date range (up to a year at a time),
  • and choose the meters to review.

Key facts about smart meters for your business

Smart meters should be installed in every property in Britain between now and 2024. The government is overseeing the smart meter rollout and has put rules in place to protect the data collected from your meter.

As we would with a traditional meter, we'll hold some of your personal and business details on our systems in order to service your account.