All questions must be answered, unless marked (optional)
Your Smart Export Guarantee details

Complete this secure, quick and easy form to renew your SEG tariff.
Before you start you'll need:

  • Your 9-digit SEG identity number e.g. SEG 123456781
  • A couple of minutes of your time to complete this form
Your Smart Export Guarantee identity number is in your Term Sheet and in the email/letter reminder we sent you.
Your details
Export meter reading

Please provide your export meter reading taken today. If your fixed price tariff is due to expire, this reading will be used as a final meter reading to close your existing SEG fixed price tariff. If your fixed price tariff has already expired, we will estimate a final meter reading based on your reading today.

VAT registration
Are you VAT registered?
Tariff confirmation
New checkboxes
SEG contract